About me

IMG_20141018_143806-1141363616352812Hi there! I’m honored to welcome you here on my little internet space I can call mine!
I’m Anne, 17 years old from the Netherlands. First things first, the thing everyone knows about me is I love to draw. Everywhere I go, I like to take my sketchbook and draw whenever I can. This results in many portraits in many styles, and a development through the years (luckily, otherwise I would have been a bit disappointed).
Furthermore, I photograph everything I see (selfies may or may not be included), like to write down my thoughts and have a fulltime creative-mind.

The reason I decided to start a blog was because I have a weird passion for the English and Dutch language. This is also why I have a bilangual page. I want to study Dutch at University, thus this is also a mental preparation and exercise for that.

I hope you stick around and enjoy my blogposts!

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